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Instrument Retail 


Check out our online store for brand new/second-hand instrument! 


Duett Music提供各類樂器零售及代訂: 包括鋼琴, 提琴類, 木管, 銅管, 結他類, 電子/數碼琴,樂器配件,亦包括有二手樂器,詳情請參閱Duett Music 網店或Facebook。

Wedding Live Band



We are professional, experienced and reliable music live band.

LetsTutti is known for pleasing the crowd.  We appeal to all age groups because of our ability to perform such a huge variety of musical styles. We play top hits from the classical to today's current hits and provide the perfect musical accompaniment for any wedding and events.



我們的樂器包括結他、小提琴、木箱鼓、鋼琴、長笛及色士風等,你可因而選擇獨奏、二重奏、三重至一隊齊全的樂隊。歡迎email我們或whatsapp 9141 8171。

Schools/Institutional Music Training 



Duett Music offers various workshops including instrumental, choral singing and Dalcroze Eurhythmics training courses for different age students and teachers. The training course specializes in offering creative activities that are flexible and adaptable to a multitude of educational situations. 


Duett Music與學校、社區中心、機構及企業等合辦音樂課程,由團體培訓至企業娛樂活動,包括各類樂器課程、聲樂課程、音樂治療工作坊等讓對音樂有興趣的朋友於課餘或工餘時間參與,歡迎任何查詢。

Instrument Maintenance& Piano Tuning 



Instrument maintenance and repair is one of our specialities. We employ certified technicians who specialise in the following areas:

  • Woodwind maintenance and repair

  • Brass maintenance and repair

  • Percussion maintenance and repair

  • Guitar set-ups, adjustment and repair

  • Piano tuning, string breakage and repair

Duett Music提供專業的樂器保養及維修服務。由專業技師擔任,擁有多年樂器保養維修經驗,包括木管樂器、銅管樂器、敲擊樂器,結他及鋼琴的保養維修。


WhatsApp us at: 9141 8171 

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